Baby starts day care…

Wow… it seems like forever since the last time I wrote anything. My baby girl, who is no longer a baby, is 2 yrs and some months now and the most beautiful creature, inside and out, that God has ever created.  She is wonderful and reminds me of God’s grace everyday. She has strengthened my faith beyond what its ever been.

Anyway, things have changed and we have no more nanny drama, because we have no nanny (does a happy dance, which looks like a fit). Baby girl, lets call her K, is in day care and its the best thing ever. Yes it has is cons, like, when she first started she was sick , aaalllllll the time and her dad and I had to constantly alternate taking leave. Not fun. K’s immune system has built up and she has less and less sick days, thank you lord.

I would love to know how other working mothers deal with this. After awhile and many doctors telling us to not pull her out of school everytime we stopped and now even when she does get sick it isn’t too bad.

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